15.11.2018. » 15:25

Increase transparency and accountability of local self-governments in northern Kosovo

NGO the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture conducts the project: ''Increase transparency and accountability of local self-governments in northern Kosovo'' This Project aims to tackle one of these key challenges faced by municipal administrations, that of human resource management and capacity building of the existing human resources within the municipal departments. Human resource management lies at the heart of municipal performance. If officials and staff are skilled, and work effectively and efficiently with specific goals set in their work, they are the key to dealing with all the other challenges faced by municipal administrations, especially posed by the EU standards and new technology wave of up-to-date skills and competencies.


NGO the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture conducts the project:

“Increase transparency and accountability of local self-governments in northern Kosovo”

This Project aims to tackle one of these key challenges faced by municipal administrations, that of human resource management and capacity building of the existing human resources within the municipal departments.  Human resource management lies at the heart of municipal performance.  If officials and staff are skilled, and work effectively and efficiently with specific goals set in their work, they are the key to dealing with all the other challenges faced by municipal administrations, especially posed by the EU standards and new technology wave of up-to-date skills and competencies. 

NGO Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture will approach organizational development at the local level from a holistic perspective by supporting development of organizational capacities and project related capacities, working on capacity building of the human resources of municipalities.

The main objective of the project is:

Municipalities are reforming their departments and creating the functional and transparent municipal apparatus as per the recommendations.

Specific objectives are:

1. Increased capacities of municipal departments to receive and act upon user feedback and recommendations in regards to transparency and accountability for their services

2. More women involved in the activities that are relevant to service delivery and decision making process

3. NGOs engaged with local government in decision-making processes and monitoring of public services at the local level ensuring transparency  and accountability


Projet activities:

In the context of on-going decentralization reform, local governments' responsibilities are becoming increasingly more important and versatile. While some progress has been made, the effective and accountable delivery of quality public services at the local level still faces considerable challenges in terms of limited capacity to design and implement integrated local development strategies, insufficient organizational development and financial management in line with the principles of good local governance and  lack of understanding of benefits of inter-municipal cooperation. The project will address these challenges through understanding and introducing the following components: 

•             Improving transparency and accountability of municipal local  management,

•             Enhancing local service delivery through inter-municipal cooperation

•             introducing prioritized and realistic project pipeline that is aligned with strategic priorities at national and local level in targeted municipalities;

•             Improving municipal management practices in order to deliver better quality of services to the citizens in a transparent, accountable and cost-effective manner

The realization of the project started on October 1, 2018 and will be implemented by April 30, 2019


"This project is funded through the grant of the US Embassy in Pristina. Opinions, attitudes and conclusions or recommendations contained herein belong to the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the State Department. "