08.10.2021. » 08:43

OP-ED Women’s rights - Aleksandra Aleksić

Women’s rights, although present not only for years but decades and centuries as well, still seem to be something unexplained or insufficiently understood by a large part of the international public. Interpreting this subject ends with different conclusions, both at the regional and individual level; however, the goal and the message remain the same - freedom.


Women’s rights, although present not only for years but decades and centuries as well, still seem to be something unexplained or insufficiently understood by a large part of the international public. Interpreting this subject ends with different conclusions, both at the regional and individual level; however, the goal and the message remain the same - freedom.

The situation in which women were forced has been observed as an unchangeable state justified by distortion of the names of culture, tradition, and other social factors which supposedly must not be opposed. Such mindset has always ended in the same outcome: control, violence, and eventually the denial of basic human rights: the right to an opinion, the right to education, identity, and the right to one's body and life.

Centuries-old traditional heritage is the most common excuse used as a weapon to take away freedom and establish power over women for global economic or personal gain. Attitudes created in the old fashioned way and learned from an early age prevent the progress of the discriminated and marginalized ones, those whose rights of privacy, personal commitment, and choice are violated, those who are not surprised by inconveniences and injustice, and who resist all expectations and pressure daily.

"Shut up and endure" unfortunately, has long become a generally accepted slogan from which one cannot escape. There are no kilometers that could separate a woman from the terror which is hidden by the slogan of normal and even expected occurrence. After all the movements, demands, pleas, and means that could have been used to fight injustice, women around the world are still seen as just one ordinary body over which they even have no right. From statements such as "It's her fault that she wore it" to "She would be better of to think about marriage and children, her time is passing by", dreams, achievements, and ambitions remain submerged in a patriarchal society that harms not only women but men as well. The attitude that men must not show emotions, must not be scared or insecure, comes from the same idea, the one that forces and imposes roles that ruin lives.

It is high time women's rights became a part of everyday conversation to prevent further misfortune and reduce the damage that's has already been done, it is time to change and create a healthier environment in which every voice will be equally heard and respected.