06.10.2015. » 15:46 | ACDC

ACDC: "Monitoring of Kosovo police in northern Mitrovica"

The new project of the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) in cooperation with the Community Building Mitrovica (CBM).


Very often we have witnessed situations where the police do not intervene in a timely manner, and thus create distrust among the victims of gender-based violence and the police, as evidenced by research from April 2014. The study states that 96% of women would not report violence to the police because they believe that the police would not have stood up for their cause. The women feel that the police have other priorities, and those that tried to seek help from the same did not receive adequate support. Some of the indicators of inadequate assistance for victims are following the experience of the victims themselves: police late (22% of surveyed victims of gender-based violence); the victims did not know the number of police stations, lack of trust in the relevant institutions (63% of surveyed victims of gender-based violence) and many others.

Based on this research, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to engage in the process of implementation of the law on domestic violence in order to reduce the number of cases and that the reported cases as soon solved.

Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture is implementing a project funded by the EU and CBM non-governmental organizations with the aim of raising awareness about this problem and to encourage the Kosovo police to actively working on domestic violence cases.

The target groups in this project are all victims of gender-based violence, with special emphasis on women, the Kosovo police in northern Mitrovica, Municipal Court in Mitrovica with a temporary headquarters in Vucitrn, the Center for Social Work in North Mitrovica. The main objective of this project is to achieve a more efficient police work and to build mutual trust between victims of domestic violence and the relevant institutions. Also one of the aims is to establish a sustainable mechanism for solving problems that will be included and the Municipal Court in Mitrovica with temporary residence in Vucitrn, Kosovo police and the Center for Social Work.

During the project will be organized meetings with representatives of the police, courts and social welfare centre. After collecting the results will be organized round table will present the results. The project will be accompanied by a media campaign, which will aim to draw attention to existing problems.

The most important activity will be signing a memorandum of cooperation between the Kosovo Police, the Municipal Court in Mitrovica and Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC. Last activity in this project will be a round table on which to present the results obtained during implementation of the project.