18.06.2015. » 00:00 | ACDC

Affirmation of cultural resources in Mitrovica

The project "Affirmation of Cultural Resources in Mitrovica" was implemented in the period from June 15th to September 30th 2012. This pilot project was trigger which initiated research, training and debates with young people.


The project "Affirmation of Cultural Resources in Mitrovica" was implemented in the period from June 15th to September 30th 2012. This pilot project was the trigger which initiated research, training and debates with young people. This was the best way to discover new possible ideas that could improve development and preservation of cultural heritage and traditions of the area. Youth of Mitrovica had many innovative ideas, but they primarily wanted to work on projects related to cultural heritage.

Recomendations of young people who participated in the project are that is necessary to work on ideas to advocate needs of young people related to cultural heritage. They also suggested to start with the implementation of the mini-projects which would be based on real needs of youth and other citizens in northern Kosovo.

All of the previously mentioned ideas are accepted as very important because of the inability of young people to express their views and needs which are based on the real problems that they are facing with. This was the best way in which young people have contributed for betterment of their community.

Young people represent foundation of any society. They are the best indicator of what should be changed in one society. Through young people we can see the realistic picture of citizens and society in general. Besides, it can be determined what factors are essential for improving the situation in northern Kosovo.

Activities in the project:

  • Research (survey) and presentation of statistical data obtained through the implementation of the survey
  • The debate on the priorities of young people in the northern Kosovo
  • Two round-tables with youth from northern Kosovo
  • Training on leadership and advocacy in culture
  • Training on preserving cultural heritage and traditions
  • Organized visits to the monasteries Dečani, Pećka Patrijaršija, Gračanica