19.12.2018. » 13:19 | ACDC

Appeal of the Empirica Advocacy Platform: The tax increase threatens to endanger regional stability

Members of the Empirica Advocacy Platform – civil society organizations who are signatories of this statement, wish to express their deep concern regarding recent initiatives and decisions introduced by Kosovo authorities that target the traffic of goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These decisions run counter to requirements defined by the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and the contractual obligations of the Agreement on Stabilization and Association. Moreover, we are witness to the fact these unilateral actions contribute to a further worsening of security conditions in Kosovo, which pose a threat to the hard-won peace and take us ever-further from the dialogue process and normalization of relations.

Members of the Empirica Advocacy Platform – civil society organizations who are signatories of

this  statement, wish  to  express  their  deep  concern  regarding  recent  initiatives  and  decisions

introduced by Kosovo authorities  that  target  the  traffic of goods  from  Serbia and Bosnia and

Herzegovina.    These  decisions  run  counter  to  requirements  defined  by  the  Central  European

Free  Trade  Agreement  (CEFTA)  and  the  contractual  obligations  of  the  Agreement  on

Stabilization  and Association.   Moreover, we  are witness  to  the  fact  these  unilateral  actions

contribute to a further worsening of security conditions  in Kosovo, which pose a threat to the

hard-won  peace  and  take  us  ever-further  from  the  dialogue  process  and  normalization  of



What  poses  particular  concern  is  the  instability,  uncertainty  and  fear  that  current  pervades

local  communities  throughout  Kosovo,  both  in  the  north  as  well  as  in  Serbian-majority

municipalities south of the Ibar.   This has the potential to contribute to further destabilization

and a deterioration in  inter-ethnic relations.  These recent developments can negatively affect

questions of personal and collective security,  freedom of movement as well as  the  rights and

respect afforded to all communities in Kosovo. 


Bearing  in  mind  the  complexities  in  the  relationship  between  high  officials  in  Pristina  and

Belgrade, as well as the recently violated Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), we

call  on  the Government of Kosovo  to  reverse  their decision on  the  imposition  of  100%  taxes

without delay.  By doing this, they would demonstrate their readiness to remedy this crisis and

undertake  accountability  for  the  reduction  in  tensions  between  majority  and  non-majority

communities  in Kosovo.   We furthermore call for the restraint and  responsible behavior of all

relevant institutions and for the return to a policy of uncompromising respect for the laws that

protect the rights of the Serbian and other non-majority communities in Kosovo.


Likewise, we appeal to government representatives  in Pristina and Belgrade to maximize their

efforts  to  reduce current  tensions and  to  take decisive steps  towards  the continuation of  the

interrupted dialogue.  The alternative to this is a deterioration of the current situation that will

invariably  lead  to  a worsening  of  inter-ethnic  relations  and  opens  the  possibility  of  renewed

conflict between deeply divided communities in Kosovo. 


At the same time, we also appeal to the international community, namely the European Union

and members of  the  ‘quintet’ group,  to greatly  increase  their efforts  to  reduce  these  newly-

sparked tensions.  We ask that they do this through actively contributing to the re-invigoration

of  the  dialogue  process  between  Pristina  and  Belgrade  and  to  ensure,  through  diplomatic

efforts, the consistent application of agreements reached within the framework of the Brussels

dialogue.  Insistence on a  return  to dialogue and  the effective  implementation of  the Brussels

Agreement  should  constitute  an  absolute  priority  for  all  parties  involved  in  this  process  and

those  same  actors must  contribute,  through  concrete  steps,  to  a  easing  of  tensions  and  the

establishment of trust between communities in Kosovo. 



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