03.08.2015. » 19:14 | ACDC

B92 - Anti-Corruption campain in North Kosovo

According to the results obtained through the implementation of the survey in all four municipalities in northern Kosovo, corruption is one of the most relevant social problems in this region.


According to the results obtained through the implementation of the survey in all four municipalities in northern Kosovo, corruption is one of the most relevant social problems in this region.

Project manager of the project “Anti-corruption campaign in northern Kosovo” Milena Jevtic  in the interview for  the Tanjug said that the survey conducted by the 250 citizens in four municipalities in northern Kosovo showed that the citizens are aware that corruption exists and that is one of the "most pressing problems".

"According to the citizens, corruption is most widespread in the police, health institutions and education, after that court and customs, which are followed by central and municipal administration", said Jevtic.

She also added that some of the findings of the "Anti-corruption campaign in northern Kosovo", which was carried out in the past six months, are that fight against corruption should be systematic and that is necessary to encourage citizens to report it to the police and other relevant institutions.

Regional Chief of Operations of the Kosovo Police Zeljko Bojic, recalled that formation of the regional police in northern Kosovo started in the second half of September 2013, and that, since that day only one case of corruption is recorded.

"Since that day until now, we have registered a single case of corruption, i.e. charge against police officer who was in our chain of command," Bojic said, adding that Police Inspectorate of Kosovo was also informed about this case.

Regional Directorate of the Kosovo Police "Mitrovica North" doesn’t have a specialized unit for dealing with the issue of corruption, but that specialized police units, that are under the chain of command the main station in Pristina, are dealing with the problem of corruption.

Head of Administration of the municipality North Mitrovica, Adriana Hodzic, believes that it is up to local leaders to help in creation of a mechanism for the fight against corruption. “I am glad that this report confirms that corruption exists, but we need to strengthen mechanisms with which we will fight against such anomaly of the society, "said Hodzic.

At the round table organized by the NGO " Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture" in Mitrovica, Hodzic pointed out that corruption is present not only in the north, but in the whole region of Kosovo, but that it is specific here because of the long absence of the rule of law.

Hodzic addressed to the citizens saying not to be part of the chain of corruption, not to give bribes and for those who are in a certain institutional position, to respect the ethics of their profession and to be satisfied with the fact that they are able to help their fellow citizens.

As it said, the plan is to establish the Anti-corruption forum that will bring together organizations and civil society activists, to ensure sustainability of the anti-corruption actions in northern Kosovo.