29.12.2017. » 12:17 | ACDC

Birthday cake for the end of a successful year!

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) celebrated its 6th birthday.


In the past 6 years of continuous active work, we have successfully implemented a dozen  of projects, with hundreds of activities and thousands of participants. For six years now, we have been working on identifying and solving the problems which our citizens face, which is why we are recognized among them as a citizen service. Our work and efforts will not stop here, because the support we receive from citizens and colleagues gives the wind in the back and helps us to pursue a battle that is often not easy. Since this is the last working day of this year, we wish you  happy New Year and Mery Christmas, all the best and a lot of success in the year to come.

P.S. Since 2011, ACDC traditionally celebrates its birthday, this time without a  few members of teams who are justifably absent.