25.11.2015. » 15:14 | ACDC

Conference within the project "Monitoring of Kosovo Police in North Mitrovica"

NGO Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture - ACDC within the project 'Monitoring of Kosovo police in North Mitrovica' organized a conference in order to present the work of competent institutions in connection with domestic violence

NGO Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture - ACDC within the project 'Monitoring of Kosovo police in North Mitrovica' organized a conference in order to present the work of competent institutions in connection with domestic violence. As panelists at the conference participated Ms. Vesna Krivokapic, head of the department of domestic violence in the Kosovo police, Miss. Jelena Milovanovic, a welfare center and as a moderator g. Zeljko Tvrdišic.
The conference also touched on the work of the Kosovo police and center for social work in North Mitrovica in connection with domestic violence cases.