17.07.2015. » 16:34 | ACDC

"Empowerment of female students and active female citizens in launching initiatives to improve their position in the society and creation of local policies"

The project "Empowerment of female students and active female citizens in launching initiatives to improve their position in the society and creation of local policies" is implemented by NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture and is financialy supported by Swiss Cooperation Office Kosovo (SCO-K), and managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).


The project “Empowerment of female students and active female citizens in launching initiatives to improve their position in the society and creation of local policies“ is implemented by NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture and is financialy supported by Swiss Cooperation Office Kosovo (SCO-K), i managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF). Implementation of the project began on 1st of June 2015, and the project will last 16 months in total. 
The overall objective of the project is strengthened position of women in the northern Kosovo.
Results that we aim to achieve through the implementation of this project are:
  • Increased number of women participating in public policy making.
  • Female citizens and female students from northern Kosovo are undertaking initiatives to protect their rights and improving their position in the labor market and in political life.
  • Increased awareness of the citizens and representatives of institutions on the situation of women in the north, as well as the need for protection of rights of women and the inclusion of women in the decision-making process.
The project will be implemented in all four municipalities in Northern Kosovo (North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic).
"This publication is produced with the support of the Democratic Society Promotion (DSP) - funded by Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K), and managed by Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)." The contents of this publication is the only responsibility of ACDC and can not in any way reflect the views of SCO-K or KCSF."