11.09.2017. » 14:22 | ACDC

"Encouraging active participation of women in local elections"

The project is implemented by the "Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture" (ACDC) with the financial support of the United States Embassy in Kosovo.


Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) started with the realization of a project "Encouraging active participation of women in local elections".

This project  aims at ensuring greater involvement of women in politics, with an emphasis on a better position within the parties and a better and greater presence in the whole campaign. The project will increase the awareness of citizens, especially in reducing citizen’s prejudice that politics is a "male" job, in order to encourage greater engagement of women in the electoral process.

The activities foreseen by the project are:

Ø  Wide media campaign in the form of making and broadcasting TV spots in which candidates will talk about the importance of increased involvement of women as voters, candidates, politicians, civil society activists and other roles. The media campaign aims to encourage women to take an active part in the electoral process;

Ø  Street actions were promotional leaflets will be shared. Leaflets will be distributed in all four municipalities in northern Kosovo with an aim to raise awareness of citizens about the importance of respecting gender equality in the electoral process;

Ø  Setting up a billboard to encourage more active participation of citizens throughout the entire process.

Ø  Education of potential candidates in terms of raising their capacities in different spheres.


Ø  Monitoring the representation of gender equality during the electoral process implies overseeing the whole electoral process from the outset to exert passive pressure on relevant actors to respect gender equality throughout the process at the local level

Ø   A conference for presenting the results of monitoring results for representing gender equality during the electoral process.

Ø  A conference in which successful woman in politics will present their experiences in order to positively influence the active participation of other women in the process.


Ø  Final conference on which will be presented the obtained results on the project, as well as the findings of the monitoring of electoral process. Findings will be useful both for responsible institutions and for women in future electoral processes.

The project is supported by the United States Embassy in Kosovo.

The implementation of the project started in September 2017 and will last until March 2018.