16.07.2015. » 00:00 | ACDC

Enhancing Participation in the Parliamentary Election in Kosovo

Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture from Mitrovica implemented two-month program related to the promotion of parliamentary elections in Kosovo. This project was funded by US Embassy in Kosovo.


Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture from Mitrovica implemented two-month program related to the promotion of parliamentary elections in Kosovo. This project was funded by US Embassy in Kosovo.

Representatives of NGO ACDC organized eight pre-election debates in each municipality in the northern Kosovo, in order to provide an opportunity for the candidates to present the importance of elections, to present their plans and ideas to the citizens, in particular to young people who are first-time voters, on one side; and an opportunity to young people to learn about the electoral system in Kosovo and the electoral process.

Furthermore, the project team monitored the pre-election campaign and the Election Day in order to provide reports that will analyze whether democratic standards were applied. Media campaign was conducted in cooperation with local media in order to give the clear picture on the voting rules and procedures and to raise awareness on the importance of participation in parliamentary elections in northern Kosovo.

Overall goal of the project was to enhance knowledge and understanding of parliamentary elections in northern Kosovo in order to raise participation of citizens in the elections.

Specific goals:
1.    To improve knowledge on Kosovo election system and election process in order to promote the importance of participation in the elections;
2.    To provide an opportunity for the candidates to present their ideas and plans to the civil society activists, academics and young people in four municipalities in northern Kosovo;
3.    To enable citizens in northern Kosovo to learn more about the electoral system and the electoral process in Kosovo and an opportunity to learn about the importance of election through a media campaign that will cover all four municipalities in northern Kosovo;
4.    To monitor and report about the election process and the Election Day.