05.04.2017. » 16:31 | ACDC

Establishment of Local Youth Action Councils in Northern Municipalities

Establishment of Local Youth Action Councils in Northern Municipalities


With the support of USAID-AKTLS CSO Advocacy Center for Democratic culture in cooperation with partner organizations Kosovo Relief Council, Faktor Plus and Healthy life implements project “Establishment of Local Youth Action Councils in Northern Municipalities”

Overall objectives of project are:

·         Contribute to strengthening youth influence in policy and decision making related to socio economic development on local level on issues relevant to youth.

·         Contribute to development of youth policies on local level and adherence to the Kosovo legislation by municipal authorities. 

Project aims to increase capacities of Youth CSO`s and informal youth representatives to influence decision making process on youth issues on local level.  Moreover project consortium will facilitate establishment of Formal Youth Representative Body that will represent youth issues on local level, which will be recognized by Municipal Authorities.  In order to ensure representation of all ethnic communities in the work of LYAC project intervention will enhance greater involvement of youth representatives of all ethnic groups (empowering marginalized groups) in Local Affairs on Youth Issues.

Project activities:

Project will start by conducting series of consultative meetings with youth CSO`s in al four municipalities including outreach activities which will target participation of RAE Youth and CSO, Bosniak Youth and CSO, Kosovo Albanian Youth and CSO with an aim to ensure representation of all ethnic communities in the work of LYAC.

Project consortium will develop Statutes for LYACs, Stamps, inventory registry, facilitate registration with the Ministry of Public Administration, submit and obtain Recognition letter by the municipality, and develop MoUs with all active members. Moreover project consortium will facilitate opening of Bank accounts for LYACs, organize elections for Boards and Assembles of LYACs.  In order to establish sustainable LYACs project consortium will organize set of trainings (basic and advanced) on policy cycle, advocacy, persuasion, partnership building  and participatory approaches for youth engagement.


Contact person:

Miloš Kabašić


+38166 904 75 24

+37745 876 956