20.01.2016. » 13:56 | ACDC

Final conference within the project "Monitoring of Kosovo Police in North Mitrovica"

NGO Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture - ACDC has organized the final conference within the project "Monitoring of the Kosovo Police in North Mitrovica''


NGO Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture - ACDC has organized the final conference within the project "Monitoring of the Kosovo Police in North Mitrovica". The project is funded by the European Union Office in Pristina and supported by CBM and its implementing partner CRYM.

At the conference as panelists there were present Srdjan Milojević from the Kosovo team of the United Nations - UNKT and Vesna Krivokapić of the Department of domestic violence in Kosovo Police. Moderator of the Conference was Zeljko Tvrdišić.

Srdjan Milojević said that for the functioning of safe houses in the north needed the judiciary and prosecution and a functioning court. According to him it is necessary to provide victims with temporary accommodation where they would be settled immediately after the accident. He also stated that the two rooms were designed for the function of shelters for victims of domestic violence, but they usurped the past two years and can not be put in the position for which they are intended.

Vesna Krivokapić from the Kosovo police said that the problem of domestic violence is very serious and it is necessary to do something as soon as possible in order to raise awareness about this problem. She also noted that they have already registered several cases of domestic violence in 2016.

Željko Virijević, project manager, in front of NGO ACDC presented a report on the work of the Kosovo Police, stating that despite the very small number of employees who deal with cases of domestic violence (2 employees), this department works very well and efficiently. After numerous meetings with employees in the police, we can conclude that the police are doing their job great but there is a problem with a lack of skilled staff. Also, the report states that the main problem is not solving cases of domestic violence in court. Due to lack of staff and infrastructure, the court solves cases very slowly so we can see that there are cases from 2013 which are ongoing.

In addition to reports on the work of the police we presented a video which was shot by an NGO ACDC.


The clip was filmed in order to raise public awareness through media campaigns.