18.06.2015. » 00:00 | ACDC

Increasing Employment of Young People in Northern Kosovo

The project "Increasing Employment of Young People in Northern Kosovo" was implemented in the period from 1st of August 2013 until 31st of January 2014 by the NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC, with the support of Mercy Corps.


The project “Increasing Employment of Young People in Northern Kosovo” was implemented in the period from 1st of August 2013 until 31st of January 2014 by the NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture – ACDC, with the support of Mercy Corps. The project included 20 students from four municipalities in the North of Kosovo – Mitrovica North, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic. The main goal of the project was increasing of employment of the young people through the educational program of practical skills and through the program of students’internships for the purpose of improving the primary work experience.

The project comprised of two segments:

1) Segment one included the following activities:
  a) Conducting a survey (the respondents were 400 young people) in order to identify opinions of the young about the current situation, and about perspective of the youth in the northern Kosovo;
  b) Presentation of the statistical data of the survey;
  c) Practical training related to the following areas: communication skills, presentation skills, analytical skills, writing a CV and a cover letter, preparing for a job interview and a job interview simulation;

2) Segment two included the following activities:
  a) Implementation of internship programs in organizations and business associations in the northern Kosovo;
  b) Promotional activities aimed at improving youth employment;
  c) Job Fair