18.06.2015. » 00:00 | ACDC

International Roma Day

The idea and goal of this project was to introduce the Cultural Heritage of the Roma community in the north, specifically in Mitrovica. All conducted activities had both, social and educational significance.


The idea and goal of this project was to introduce Cultural Heritage of the Roma community in the north, specifically in Mitrovica.

All conducted activities had both, social and educational significance.

Since this project was intended for Roma population, participants were required to belong to the Roma community in Mitrovica region.

Implemented activities:
1) Numerous discussions, parties for young Roma people;
2) Trainings on folklore dances were organized for Roma Youth
3) Roma schoolchildren were learning poetry and this was one of the ways for their extra education;
4) The final and certainly the most important activity "Day of Roma culture and folklore dances" organized on 4th of May, 2012. in the premises of the Cultural Center in Mitrovica.

According to the project, participants had trainings of folklore dances three times per week, but due to the desire of the participants and their coach, number of tranings increased to five trainings per week in order to prepare themselves in a best way for the final activity "Days of Roma culture and folklore dances".

In this final activity Roma schoolchildren took a part as well by reciting poetry that they learned through the work with competent persons.

We also want to express great appreciation for the Municipality of Mitrovica for their help and support in the implementation of our project and to the Directorate of Culture, Youth and Sport. They supported us by giving 960EUR for purchasing of national costumes for our participants.
The project was funded by the KFOS- SOROS Foundation.