06.04.2018. » 10:29 | ACDC

Invitation - Final Conference

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC has pleasure to invite you to participate on the final conference about active participation of woman in Electoral process and political life. Conference will be organized within the project "Encouraging active participation of women in local elections". The project is supported by the United States Embassy in Kosovo.




NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC has pleasure to invite you to participate on the final conference about active participation of woman in Electoral process and political life. Conference will be organized within the project "Encouraging active participation of women in local elections". The project is supported by the United States Embassy in Kosovo.



Panelists will be:


Danijela Vujičić – Councilor in Municipality of North Mitrovica

Biljana Jaredić- Chairwoman in Municipality of Zvecan

Sanja Sovrlić– Jurnalist/Editor of portal “Crno beli svet”



Conference will be held on 11th  April 2018 at 11:00am in the premises of EU Informative and Cultural Center (EUICC) in North Mitrovica.



Looking forward seeing you on our event,

ACDC team