23.01.2016. » 01:39 | ACDC

"Involvement of the citizens in monitoring of implementation of the Agreement on integration and judiciary"

The project is implemented by NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture- ACDC in partnership with RTV Mir, and with the financial support of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society - KFOS.


The project is implemented by NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture- ACDC in partnership with RTV Mir, and with the financial support of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society - KFOS.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to development of the rule of law and citizens' participation in monitoring of implementation of the Agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on the integration of the judiciary.

The specific objective of the project is to increase public trust regarding institutions of the judicial system in northern Kosovo. Specific objectives will be achieved through the following actions:


1.       Measuring of awareness and knowledge of citizens regarding the Agreement on judiciary;

2.       Increasing awareness and knowledge of citizens regarding the integration of judiciary through public events and media campaigns;

3.       Strengthening the role of the media in monitoring and informing citizens about the integration of the judiciary;

4.       Improving cooperation between civil society and the media in order to advocate for higher participation of citizens in important processes;



The results which will be achieved through the implementation of the project:


- Increased awareness and knowledge of citizens about judicial integration by organazing public events and media campaigns.

- The increased role of the media in monitoring and reporting on the Brussels agreements.

- Coordination of media and civil society organizations regarding the Brussels agreements.


The target groups of the project are: civil society organizations, the academic community, the media and the citizens in northern Kosovo. At least ten (10) civil society organizations, at least four (4) media from the north, at least two (2) media from South Mitrovica as well as the academic community and citizens will take a part in the implementation of the project.


The project will be implemented in four municipalities in northern Kosovo: North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic. The project will also include South Mitrovica.


The duration of the project is five (5) months.  The Implementation of the project will begin on 1st of January. The final activities of the project will take place on 31st of May, 2016th.