28.06.2016. » 18:16 | ACDC

Justice System Strengthening Program in Kosovo

Project Overview The major goal of the ``Justice System Strengthening Program in Kosovo`` funded by USAID and implemented by ACDC and MPDI is to improve rule of law and good governance by strengthening the independence, professionalism, efficiency and accountability of the justice system.


May 2016- December 2016

Project Overview

The major goal of the ``Justice System Strengthening Program in Kosovo`` funded by USAID and implemented by ACDC and MPDI is to improve rule of law and good governance by strengthening the independence, professionalism, efficiency and accountability of the justice system. The project is consisting from three components:

Strengthen the efficiency and the effectiveness of the administration of justice and delivery of quality services by the KJC and courts.

Enhance the Accountability and Professionalism of Justice System Institutions and Actors 
Judges and court administrators and other non-judicial court staff must possess the necessary knowledge and skills in order to effectively carry out their responsibilities.

Support the functioning of and the integration of the judicial structures in the North, including the trainings with future lawyers (students of the final year at the school of Law in North Mitrovica) and raising awareness of the citizens from Northern Kosovo related to the current changes regarding the Agreement on Judiciary.


Project Activities

The Practical Skills Building Activities and Internship program

The Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (NGO ACDC), with the additional support of its partners MDPI will implement several activities in the period from May till December, 2016. In cooperation with the non-majority committee of the Kosovo Chamber of Advocates Ngo ACDC will implement a training program for law students to equip them with knowledge and practical skills which are integral to their future law practice. The Participants of the Program will be given the opportunity to simulate the practice of law by working alongside expert lawyers who will provide mentoring.

Public Discussions (Town Hall Meetings and Round Table Discussions) 

In order to inform citizens about the current changes in the society related to the implementation of the Agreement on Judiciary NGO ACDC will organize four town hall meetings in four northern municipalities: Zubin Potok, Zvecan, Leposavic and North Mitrovica, including four round tables. 

Awareness Raising Campaign


To raise awareness on the perspective of the judicial system in the Mitrovica region, NGO ACDC will conduct a public campaign, including media presentations and public events. 



Dusan Radakovic

Executive Director

