05.03.2017. » 09:41 | ACDC

Medias about Conference regarding Municipal Transparency Reform Index within the project ''Support to the inclusion of non-Albanian communities into Kosovo institutions''

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and its implementing partner the Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture (ACDC) hosted an conference in North Mitrovica. Speakers at the mentioned event were British Ambassador Ruairi O'Connell, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Braathu, Adrijana Hodžić, from Mitrovica North Office, and Miloš Perović representative of Zubin Potok municipality.


The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and its implementing partner the Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture (ACDC) hosted an conference in North Mitrovica. Speakers at the mentioned event were British Ambassador Ruairi O’Connell, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Braathu, Adrijana Hodžić from Mitrovica North Office, and Miloš Perović representative of Zubin Potok municipality. Conference had remarkable public outreach since that it was attended by the almost all medias from Kosovo, moreover, Radio Television of Serbia, which is the public broadcaster in Serbia reported about the conference. It was the most discussed and shared topic among all medias and social networks throughout entire Kosovo and Serbia. All of the reports from media can be founded on the following links:

RTS: http://www.rts.rs/page/stories/ci/story/1/politika/2650629/transparentne-opstine-na-severu-kosova-interes-gradjana.html

TV Most : http://tvmost.info/vesti/transparentne_opstine_na_severu_kosova_interes_gradjana/76076

Kossev: http://gradjanskastrana.kossev.info/strana/arhiva/transparentnost_opstina_na_severu_kosova/11304

TANJUG: http://www.tanjug.rs/full-view.aspx?izb=312353

Radio Kontakt plus: http://www.radiokontaktplus.org/vesti/transparentne_opstine_na_severu_kosova_interes_gradjana_/9541