16.07.2015. » 00:00 | ACDC

Mediation Center Mitrovica

Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture is a partner organization to CSSP Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation in implementation of the project Mediation Center Mitrovica (MCM). MCM was established on March 1st 2013 and it has two offices, one in southern and other in northern Mitrovica.


Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture is a partner organization to CSSP Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation in implementation of the project Mediation Center Mitrovica (MCM). MCM was established on March 1st 2013 and it has two offices, one in south Mitrovica and other in north Mitrovica. NGO ACDC had contributed in establishing MCM and also participates in outreach activities that aim to present mediation and its advantages to the citizens and institutions in Mitrovica region. NGO ACDC also assists MCM to establish and maintain contact with local institutions and civil society organizations.

MCM offers mediation services to the citizens and legal entitites, working on out-of-court mediation and court-reffered mediation cases. As alternative dispute resolution mechanism, mediation has many advantages over judicial reslution of a dispute. Those advantages include: time-efficiency (most cases are completed within several days); lower costs (the cost of mediation is significantly lower that the cost of court adjudication); confidentiality (name of the parties and the content of the case remain strictly confidential).

Mediation Center in Mitrovica is a long-term project and it is expected that it will reduce the number of disputes in Mitrovica. Thus, NGO ACDC is proud to be a part of such an important initiative.