27.10.2016. » 14:45 | ACDC

''Monitoring Judical Reforim in North Kosovo''

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) with support of National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is implementing one-year project "Monitoring Judicial Reform in North Kosovo". Project implementation has begun on 1st October 2016 and will continue until 31st September, 2017. This project is a continuation of the previous project supported by NED which was successfully completed on 31 September 2016.

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) with support of National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is implementing one-year project "Monitoring Judicial Reform in North Kosovo". Project implementation has begun on 1st October 2016 and will continue until 31st September, 2017. This project is a continuation of the previous project supported by NED which was successfully completed on 31 September 2016.
Project Objectives:
  • To promote civic participation in monitoring the implementation of the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations between Serbia and Kosovo, in particular with regard to judicial reform in North Kosovo.
  • To raise citizens awareness of the importance of a functioning judiciary in North Kosovo


Description of Project Activities:
The project will facilitate citizen engagement in the justice system and promote the rule of law through a comprehensive series of activities, including research on public perceptions regarding the Agreement on Integration of Judiciary, regular court monitoring, workshops training for law students and civil society activists on court monitoring and reporting, and finally a provision of primary free legal aid.
In order to raise citizens’ awareness of the importance of a functioning judiciary, ACDC will undertake direct public outreach campaign through street actions in each municipality in northern Kosovo, to distribute brochures with information on the new justice system in the north. In addition, ACDC also will post billboards aiming to raise awareness on the right to access to justice and will conduct media talks with representatives of the justice system to increase public knowledge on the integration process and functioning of the new justice system.
ACDC will monitor the implementation of the Agreement on Integration of Judiciary and the work of the newly established court through weekly visits and will develop and present reports on regular basis. Additionally, capacity of civil society activists and young lawyers to do monitoring activities will be strengthened through series of workshops, facilitated by licensed lawyers, members of the Kosovo Chamber of Advocates, and other experts will give training on court monitoring and reporting. The trainees will also engage in in ACDC’s ongoing court monitoring activities.
Finally, ACDC will continue to monitor the operation of the Basic Court of Mitrovica, relocated to Vushtrri/Vucitrn pending completion of integration of judiciary and will include findings in the reports, which will be presented through public events, i.e. round-table discussions and conferences. All findings and recommendations by experts will be summed up in a paper that will be developed by the end of project implementation and shared with relevant stakeholders.



Milos Kabasic

Program manager


+381 (0) 66 904 75 24

+377 (0) 45 876 956