24.06.2024. » 20:12 | ACDC

New Form for Reporting Human Rights Violations Introduced

Prishtina, June 24 - A presentation of the new form for reporting human rights violations was held at the Sirius Hotel in Pristina, organized by the NGO ACDC in cooperation with the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo. 


Prishtina, June 24 - A presentation of the new form for reporting human rights violations was held at the Sirius Hotel in Pristina, organized by the NGO ACDC in cooperation with the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo.  The event introduced the form that will significantly facilitate citizens in submitting complaints to the Ombudsperson Institution.

Participants at the event included Mr. Naim Qelaj, Kosovo Ombudsman; Mr. Petrit Çollaku, Acting Head of the Office for Public Communication and Access to Public Documents; and Mr. Dušan Radaković, Executive Director of NGO ACDC.

At the beginning of the presentation, Dušan Radaković, Executive Director of ACDC, praised the collaboration with the Ombudsperson and expressed satisfaction with the joint effort in redesigning the complaint form on the Ombudsman's website, making the institution more transparent.

Mr. Qelaj emphasized the importance of the new online complaint form, stating that it will significantly improve the efficiency in handling cases. "It enabled us, in cooperation with professional staff, to redesign the website and allow people to directly submit complaints and access the information they need," he added.

Mr. Petrit Çollaku, Acting Head of the Office for Public Communication and Access to Public Documents, provided a detailed presentation of the form and its features. 

The new form is intended for submitting complaints to the Ombudsman when individuals believe their rights have been violated by a public institution or authority. It aims to allow citizens to formally present their complaints so that the Ombudsman can investigate the case and take appropriate measures to protect their rights.

Form characteristics:

  • Accessible online from any location.
  • Fields for detailed description of the rights violation.
  • Ability to track the status of the complaint online.
  • Confidentiality and data protection.

The presentation of the new form was part of the project "Advancing Human Rights through Raising Public Awareness," supported by UNMIK to enhance the protection of human rights by increasing public awareness and facilitating easier reporting and resolution of human rights violations.