25.11.2015. » 10:31 | ACDC

Organizational Capacity Building of USAID/AKT CSO grantees

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture in partnership with NGO Media Puls from Leposavic is implementing a seven month project ''Organizational Capacity Building of USAID/AKT CSO grantees'' founded by USAID and Community Development Fond - CDF. The project's aim is to complete assessment of all AKT/LS grantees NGO's and based on that assessment to conduct a series of capacity building sessions which will help these grantees to improve their organizational capacity.


NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture in partnership with NGO Media Puls from Leposavic is implementing a seven month project ''Organizational Capacity Building of USAID/AKT CSO grantees'' founded by USAID and Community Development Fond - CDF. The project's aim is to complete assessment of all AKT/LS grantees NGO's and based on that assessment to conduct a series of capacity building sessions which will help these grantees to improve their organizational capacity.  

Project consist of two sections. The first one is capacity assessment which will be organized in all AKT/LS grantees NGO. This assessment will be conducted though seventeen organizations both Serbian and Albanian and throughtout Kosovo. Assessment will be conducted through organizational capacity assessment questioner which is same for every organization.

Based on the results obtained through this questioner, we will organize a series of capacity building trainings which will help these NGO's to raise their capacity. Also, these grantees will be trained on USAID rules and procedures.