18.02.2016. » 12:01 | ACDC

Signed MoU between ACDC and Ombudsperson Kosovo

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC has signed memorandum of understanding with Kosovo's Ombudsperson, first of this kind which is signed by some NGO from northern Kosovo with Ombudsperson.


NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture – ACDC has signed memorandum of understanding with Kosovo’s Ombudsperson, first of this kind which is signed by some NGO from northern Kosovo with Ombudsperson.

At the conferece held in premises of International Business College in north Mitrovica, Dušan Radaković, executive director of ACDC, expressed his pleasure due to memorandum which is signed. He stated that ACDC is the only one NGO which has the MoU with anticoruption agency in Kosovo.

’It is my pleasure that we headed to be the first and the only in some concrete issues and I hope that this shows how sirious we are and how crucial are some questions for citizens of North Mitrovica’ said Radaković.

Kosovo’s Ombudsperson Hilmi Jashari said that this is one of the first memorandum of understanding signed with some civil society organizations in Kosovo.

‘There are few more in Pristina which we intend to sign very soon, mainly concerned to the protection and promotion of human rights,’ said Jashari, who was speaking on the work of the institution managed by him. 

‘Since I took over the mandate of Kosovo’s Ombudsperson last year, one of my goals for the vision of the Ombudsperson for the next years has been precisely to strengthen the confidence of all communities in Kosovo’s Ombudsperson,’ added Jashari.   

At the conference it is presented the project ‘Civil Society for Transparent Governance in northern Kosovo,’ supported by the British Embassy in Pristina and which envisages the development of the Action Plan for municipalities in northern Kosovo about governance and anti-corruption.  

‘This is one totally new thing, for the first time one action plan for transparent municipalities in northern Kosovo will be submitted to municipality assemblies in the next week and the feedback which we have speaks that councilors will adopt this plan’ added Radaković.

This will be the first action plan of this type with concrete measures that do not have other municipalities in Kosovo, said Radakovic, who urged other municipalities in Kosovo to cooperate with ACDC.

At the conference via Skype spoke Zoran Gavrilović, from the Bureau for Social Research, who pointed out that the issue of transparency and integrity of the institutions that will serve the Serbs in Kosovo remains invisible and it has crucial character.

‘Only institutions which are resistant to corruption and misuse, or institutions where these phenomena are quickly sanctioned guarantee the realization of citizens' rights in the specific case of the Serbs. Therefore, I urge that this issue becomes one of the themes and priorities of the Brussels agreement,’ he said.

The proposed model is in accordance to the Brussels Agreement and provides possibility to Association of Serbian Municipalities receive instrument that will guarantee integrity.

The proposed model is built upon the positive experience of the City of Nis www.lafnis.rs

