18.06.2015. » 00:00 | ACDC

Strengthening the Rule of Law

Project "Strengthening the Rule of Law" was implemented from March 8th 2013 until October 8th 2013. Program was attended by 20 young lawyers and it was financed by the US Embassy in Kosovo.


Project “Strengthening the Rule of Law” was implemented from March 8th 2013 until October 8th 2013. Program was attended by 20 young lawyers and it was financed by the US Embassy in Kosovo.

The overall goal of the project is to raise capacities for strengthening the Rule of Law through professional education of law students and young lawyers. The idea for the implementation of this project came from the fact that the level of practical knowledge and skills that are needed for the career in law is very low among law students and young lawyers. Since this situation is the consequence of bad educational system and outdated study programs, NGO ACDC developed and started implementation of the educational program with a goal to provide an opportunity for young lawyers to acquire practical knowledge and skills working with legal professionals, such as judges, prosecutors and attorneys.

The program includes following activities:

  1. Writing of legal submissions and acts
  2. Case recognition and case management
  3. Client counseling (working on hypothetical cases)
  4. Case studies from Court practice
  5. Visits to the Courts
  6. Mock Trial simulations
  7. Introductive workshops on Bar exam
  8. Round table discussions