22.06.2022. » 11:44 | ACDC

Closing conference of the project "Facilitating Access to Justice and Promoting Human Rights in Mitrovica region"

A conference on human rights that served as the final event of the UNMIK-supported project "Facilitating Access to Justice and Promoting Human Rights in the Mitrovica Region", was held on June 21, on the premises of International Business College in Mitrovica. 


A conference on human rights that served as the final event of the UNMIK-supported project "Facilitating Access to Justice and Promoting Human Rights in the Mitrovica Region", was held on June 21, on the premises of International Business College in Mitrovica. 

The panelists were Mr. Jerome Bouyjou, Chief of UNMIK Human Rights Section, Ms. Marija Radulović, Deputy Ombudsperson of Kosovo, and Mr. Ljubiša Baščarević, from the Council of Europe Office in Pristina. The event addressed the human rights situation in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the mandate of the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo and the Council of Europe and their role in the protection of human rights.

Dušan Radaković, Executive Director of the Advocacy Center for Democratic culture (ACDC), opened the conference and presented the results and achievements of the project.

"We have put a lot of effort into raising citizens' awareness in Kosovo about respect for human rights. Through this project, we have established a cooperation with the Ombudsperson Institution, because we believe it is a very important institution in Kosovo, especially in the north. Making contact with people, and receiving complaints, helps those whose human rights are violated", said Jerome Bouyjou, UNMIK chief of the Human Rights Office and a representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Marija Radulović, Deputy Ombudsman, confirmed the collaboration with UNMIK and praised the efforts of all present panelists in promoting human rights. In addition, the panelists discussed the national and European/international human rights standards and their application.

The conference was attended by lawyers, civil society activists, journalists, and citizens.

Through different activities, the UNMIK-funded project “Facilitating Access to Justice and Promoting Human Rights in the Mitrovica Region” aimed to improve work conditions at the Basic Court of Mitrovica and increase capacities for the promotion of human rights in the Mitrovica region.

The infographic provides the project's achievements from September 2021 up to June 2022.

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