18.01.2019. » 13:57 | ACDC

Conference 18.01.2019.

NGO Center for the Advocacy of Democratic Culture - organized a final conference as a part of the project "Increasing public trust in integrated justice institutions in northern Kosovo” This project is implemented by ACDC. The project is supported by GIZ-LARP.

NGO Center for the Advocacy of Democratic Culture - organized a final conference as a part of the project "Increasing public trust in integrated justice institutions in northern Kosovo” This project is implemented by ACDC. The project is supported by GIZ-LARP.


The conference was organized with aim to contribute better inclusion of young lawyers into the law practice of Kosovo and to increase the level of citizens’ trust in the newly established integrated justice institutions in northern Kosovo.


The panelist at the confrence were:


Mrs.Ljiljana Stevanović           Judge from Basic Court Mitrovica


Mr. Milos Markovic                Legal Associate in a Basic Court of Mitrovica.


Mr.Muhamet Brahimi              Representative, GIZ-Larp


Mr.Aleksandar Rapajic           Project Manager, ACDC.