07.02.2019. » 21:19 | ACDC

Informative session ''Kosovo Specialist Chambers'' 7th February 2019.

NGO Center for the Advocacy of Democratic Culture - ACDC and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers is organized Informative session about the mandate and functioning of the Specialist Chambers.


NGO Center for the Advocacy of Democratic Culture - ACDC and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers is organized Informative session about the mandate and functioning of the Specialist Chambers.


Info session was moderated by ACDC representative Aleksandar Rapajic , panelist were three members of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers;

Solene Moutier, Outreach Assistant, Public Information and Communication Unit,

Tadeja Novinc, Associate Legal Officer, Victims’ Participation Office, and

Paul Landers, Legal Advisor, Ombudsperson’s Office.

The participants; lawyers, CSOs representatives and students  were introduced on the mandate, structure and functioning of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, victim participation in the processes, role of the Ombudsperson Office and witness protection program.

The info session was followed by a very active discussion.