10.12.2022. » 11:46 | ACDC

International Human Rights Day

We are witnesses that even today, after more than seven decades since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is evident how much engagement and effort needs to be made in order to achieve all the principles proclaimed by this Declaration.


We are witnesses that even today, after more than seven decades since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is evident how much engagement and effort needs to be made in order to achieve all the principles proclaimed by this Declaration. Despite the progress we are seeing, the human rights of the socially vulnerable, the elderly, the infirm, and minority groups are still threatened, even in developed countries.

In observance of the December 10, we once again emphasize the importance of respecting Declaration's guiding principles, solidarity, tolerance, consideration, and promotion of human rights values. The fight for equality and dignity is a never-ending task.

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