01.05.2023. » 15:38 | ACDC

International Labor Day - May Day

In commemoration of the day when workers in Chicago began to fight for eight-hour working hours with strikes and protests, today is International Labor Day - May First as a general manifestation of workers' solidarity in the fight against all forms of injustice and exploitation and for the improvement of working conditions. .


In commemoration of the day when workers in Chicago stood up for their right to an eight-hour workday through protests and strikes, today we mark International Labor Day - May Day as a general manifestation of workers' solidarity in the fight against all forms of exploitation and injustice, striving for better working conditions.

This date holds great significance as a symbol of the vision and struggle for a fairer world and improved working conditions, but also serves as a reminder of the victims of that struggle. Unfortunately, many workers today still face an atmosphere of insecure employment, poverty risks, inadequate minimum wages insufficient for the minimum consumer basket, insufficient protection of labor rights, safety and health concerns, unregulated forms of work, and ineffective labor dispute resolution. The most vulnerable groups in the labor market are particularly at risk.

The Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture ACDC will continue to advocate for more effective protection of labor rights, improvement of the legal framework in the field of labor, and promotion of labor rights and dignified work.