01.02.2022. » 16:48 | ACDC

M4Y - Meeting with the office of the mayor of Zvečan.

Within the project "Municipality for Youth (M4Y)", the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture held a meeting with the Office of the Mayor of Zvečan. The meeting was attended by: Mr. Momčilo Gvozdić, Head of the Mayor's Office, Mr. Srđan Milosavljević, Chairman of the Municipal Assembly, and Mr. Milan Radomirović, department for sports and youth.


Within the project "Municipality for Youth (M4Y)", the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture held a meeting with the Office of the Mayor of Zvečan. The meeting was attended by: Mr. Momčilo Gvozdić, Head of the Mayor's Office, Mr. Srđan Milosavljević, Chairman of the Municipal Assembly, and Mr. Milan Radomirović, department for sports and youth.

The ACDC project team briefed participants on the purpose, plans, and goals of the project and informed them that the project we are implementing is aimed at connecting young people and the municipality as well as keeping young people in their places. There are no specifically targeted settlements in the municipality of Zvečan, the focus is on young people from the entire municipality, and the plan is to include as many young people from non-majority communities as possible.

The municipal representatives of Zvecan expressed great interest in the project and project activities. They will provide full support to the project, especially in the process of selecting and recruiting young people to participate. The municipality also wants to involve the Local Youth Action Council (LYAC).

The main goal of the project "Municipalities for Youth (M4Y)" is to empower young people to fully participate in the planning and implementation of local socio-economic activities. The project combines innovative approaches to community development, citizen engagement, social responsibility, and skills development to empower young people from marginalized groups to participate in civic activities as well as influence positive change in their communities and target low-income youth. suburban and rural youth (aged 15-24) in 10 municipalities: Kacanik, Ferizaj, Elez Han, Junik, Rahovec, Glogovac, Zvecan, Ranilug, Skenderaj and Vushtrri

Through various skills building, volunteering, and training activities, the project will provide young people with the necessary skills to effectively design and implement youth-led community development projects. At least 3,000 young people will benefit from organizational and communication skills training (focusing on leadership, creativity, communication, and teamwork), project development training (focusing on community mobilization, subproject preparation, management, and implementation), and participation monitoring training. Through these training, the project seeks to provide young people not only with organizational, communication, and technical skills but also with essential ones that potential employers will especially value.

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