11.12.2019. » 16:52 | ACDC

NGO ACDC enforced by new team member

It is our great pleasure to introduce a new member of our organization in the position of financial assistant.

It is our great pleasure to introduce a new member of our organization in the position of financial assistant.

Svetlana Jokic is a Bachelor of Economics and Master Manager. As an economist, she thinks that money is not everything, but it has a big impact on most things in our lives, careers and jobs. She says happiness is not in the possession of money itself, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the excitement of creative effort. You can truly achieve yourself only if you love what you do. Money should not be anyone's goal. Instead, you should do the things you love and do them so well that people can't look away from you. In this way, you will be able to organize and finish jobs more successfully.

"Learn how to spend and invest money on the best way."

ACDC is confident that Svetlana will successfully complete her duties as a financial assistant and help our team in our daily business.