17.10.2018. » 17:10 | ACDC

Seminar- Local Youth Action Councils (LYAC).

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC organized a working seminar for Local Youth Action Councils (LYAC). The seminar brought together representatives of the Local Youth Action Council from the 16 Kosovo municipalities in which the AKT-USAid program operates. This activity is part of the project "Empowering Local Youth Active Councils". ACDC is implementing this project with the support of USAid's AKT-LS program.

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC organized a working seminar for Local Youth Action Councils (LYAC). The seminar brought together representatives of the Local Youth Action Council from the 16 Kosovo municipalities in which the AKT-USAid program operates. This activity is part of the project "Empowering Local Youth Active Councils". ACDC is implementing this project with the support of USAid's AKT-LS program.


The seminar focused on the situation of young people in Kosovo, the problem of migration of young people abroad, possibilities of cooperation and networking of the LYAC as well as the identifying of projects that can be implemented in all the municipalities covered by the program.


The seminar was held from October 11th to 14th, 2018, at the Hotel Ulpiana in Gracanica.