11.12.2021. » 08:18 | UN

Training on UN Human Rights Mechanisms and the work of Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo 10.12.2021


As part of the UNMIK-funded project "Facilitating Access to Justice and Promoting Human Rights in the Mitrovica Region", on the 10th of December 2021, ACDC marked Human Rights Day by organizing a training session on UN human rights mechanisms and the role of the Ombudsperson in Kosovo. ACDC invited Deputy Ombudsperson, Ms. Marija Radulović, and a human rights expert, Mr. Ljubiša Baščarević, as lecturers. Graduate students, lawyers, and civil society activists attended the event, which was aimed at increasing the participants’ knowledge and understanding of existing UN human rights mechanisms and the role of the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo (OiK).


As part of the UNMIK-funded project "Facilitating Access to Justice and Promoting Human Rights in the Mitrovica Region", on the 10th of December 2021, ACDC marked Human Rights Day by organizing a training session on UN human rights mechanisms and the role of the Ombudsperson in Kosovo. ACDC invited Deputy Ombudsperson, Ms. Marija Radulović, and a human rights expert, Mr. Ljubiša Baščarević, as lecturers. Graduate students, lawyers, and civil society activists attended the event, which was aimed at increasing the participants’ knowledge and understanding of existing UN human rights mechanisms and the role of the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo (OiK).

Mr.Baščarević introduced the participants to UN Human Rights mechanisms and stated that civil society organizations and the Ombudsperson should work together for the benefit of the residents of Kosovo in order to contribute to the advancement of human rights. Mrs.Radulović talked about the role of the Ombudsperson in protecting human rights and announced that OiK is preparing an outreach campaign for non-majority communities in rural areas.

The practical side of the training included separate group discussions and presentations by the participants on human rights challenges, violations, and real-life experiences in Kosovo, and recommendations for OiK’s work and visibility.