27.09.2018. » 15:42 | ACDC

ACDC Final Conference on Raising Confidence in the Judiciary System in the North of Kosovo

The Conference in IBCM college in Mitrovica was organized within the project Enhancing Confidence in the Judiciary System in the North of Kosovo through Improving Citizens' Access, financially supported by the NED
The Chief Prosecutor at the Mitrovica Basic Prosecutor's Office assessed at the conference that the judicial system, after the integration of the judiciary, is functional throughout the territory of Kosovo.
The prosecutor pointed out that the positive effects of the Brussels agreement, which relate to the judiciary, are already visible today and that eleven months after the start of integration in northern Kosovo, it is recorded for 20% less criminal cases.
He also stated that all outdated cases relating to the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo were concluded and that the prosecutors were fully engaged.
He also stated that interpersonal relations in the prosecution are good.
Judge Milan Bigovic, the head of the Court of Appealls  in Mitrovica, said that in this court, unlike other courts in Kosovo, they have a shortage of cases, due to the interpretation of the Pristina authorities that judges of this court should only work on cases from 2018.
Bigović said that in the department of the Court of Appealls in Mitrovica, about 11 months have solved about 100 cases, which, he said, is not commendable and pointed out that there are seven judges in the department and that the monthly norm of one judge is 20 cases.
He also stated that the judiciary throughout Kosovo has fully come to life and that this is important because of the legal certainty of every citizen who now has the opportunity to solve certain problems before the judiciary.
Bigovic recalled that 47 Serbian judges were involved in the judiciary system, assessing that they were highly experienced professionals who would improve the judicial system in Kosovo. Speaking at the conference, Bigovic warned of a different interpretation of the jurisdiction of the Court of Appealls  in Mitrovica, expressing the hope that this problem will be solved soon.
ACDC Executive Director Dusan Radakovic estimated that through the project they were focused on monitoring the process of integration of the judiciary in northern Kosovo, that the integration process is still ongoing and that it is also very important for the democratization of the entire Kosovo society.
Radakovic thanked the president of the Basic Court in Mitrovica, Nikolic Kabasic, judges and prosecutors, for the cooperation he said was high.