21.03.2016. » 11:46 | ACDC

Call for applications for training of 15 Mediator candidates from Northern Kosovo

BECOME THE PART OF MEDIATION PROCESS IN KOSOVO, women and members of all communities living in the municipalities of Leposavic, Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Mitrovica North are encouraged to apply for the training.


Based on European standards and best practices, the German Organization CSSP Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation and Mediation Center Mitrovica, with the financial support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Embassy of Switzerland in Kosovo, in close cooperation with Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) and Community Building Mitrovica (CBM), publishes the following:


For training of 15 Mediator candidates from Northern Kosovo region to be selected to attend the Mediation Training.

CSSP Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation is a registered non-profit association based in Berlin, Germany. It was founded to draw lessons from the ten years work of the International Mediator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBH) (1995 – 2004), Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarz-Schilling. The project was initiated through a parliamentary resolution in the German Parliament as a lessons learned project.  

The organization has trained several hundred persons in mediation around the world.

What is Mediation?

Many disputes can be handled by mediation, a voluntary, confidential dispute resolution process, in which neutral third person (mediator) helps the parties reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. The mediator facilitates the parties communication by guiding them through a structured discussion process. The mediator helps the parties reach the agreement, but does not make a decision for them. Mediation is not a replacement for court proceedings, but is an alternative method for handling certain types of disputes.

Interested candidates may personally submit one copy of University Diploma, CV and Motivation Letter in the Mediation Center Mitrovica in North Office, Čika Jovina b.b. or through email: info@cssp-mediation.org, jbozovic@cssp-mediation.org and bismaili@cssp-mediation.org

More information needed for applying and for the project interested candidates can find in: www.cssp-mediation.org, www.mediation-mitrovica.org , www.acdc-kosovo.org and www.cbmitrovica.org

Upon successful completion of the mediation training programme, participants will be certified. The certificate meets the regional and European standards. Fulfilling all necessary conditions, candidates who successfully complete the training will be licensed by the Ministry of Justice in Kosovo.

Call for Application is open from March 21 – April 4, 2016 at: 16:00 hrs.

BECOME THE PART OF MEDIATION PROCESS IN KOSOVO, women and members of all communities living in the municipalities of Leposavic, Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Mitrovica North are encouraged to apply for the training.

For more detailed information, please contact us at +381 (0) 65 5297 497, +377 (0) 44 547 705, and +377 44 964 579.  

Selection Criteria and process

The selection will be carried out based on competitive process, with the view of selecting a diverse group of mediators that will adequately reflect the composition of the Northern Kosovo society, including relevant factors such as candidates’ gender, age and ethnicity. CSSP will carry out a preliminary review and prepare a short list of candidates. Selected candidates from the short list will be invited for an interview. Candidates will be informed of the results after the interview.

Training is expected to start from April 18 – 23, 2016 and will cover mediation theory, general mediator skills, legal frameworks on mediation, Code of Ethics of Mediator. Candidates will be required to actively participate for the entire course of the training. The training is free, except for traveling costs which participants are expected to cover on their own, as needed.

The training will comprise a total of twelve and a half (12,5) days and will be conducted in three parts over a period of two-three months. Basic and Advanced Training will last for five (5) consecutive days each, while the Refresher Training will take two and a half (2,5) consecutive days. The training will be conducted during the week days and on weekends. Participants are required to attend all sessions.