26.09.2016. » 11:27 | ACDC

Final conference - Empowerment of female students and active female citizens in launching initiatives to improve their position in the society and creation of local policies - 30.09.2016

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC is pleased to invite you to a Conference regarding Citizens` activism and cooperation with the local-self-government, which is a part of the project “Empowerment of female students and active female citizens in launching initiatives to improve their position in the society and creation of local policies”, supported by the Swiss Cooperation Office Kosovo (SCO-K) and managed by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture - ACDC is pleased to invite you to a Conference regarding Citizens` activism and cooperation with the local-self-government, which is a part of the project Empowerment of female students and active female citizens in launching initiatives to improve their position in the society and creation of local policies”, supported by the Swiss Cooperation Office Kosovo (SCO-K) and managed by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).

 Introducing speech by the panelists:

Mrs. Blagica Radovanovic - Councilor in Municipality of Zvecan

Mrs. Danijela Vujicic - Councilor in Municipality of North Mitrovica

Mrs. Nataša Trifunovic - Councilor in Municipality of Zubin Potok

               Mr. Nenad Radosavljevic - Councilor in Municipality of Leposavic


The event will be held on Friday 30th of September at the International Business College (IBCM) in North Mitrovica, starting at 11:00 a.m.


Please, confirm your presence at the following E-mail address: office@acdc-kosovo.org.       

We look forward seeing you at the event.



This project/activity is funded by Democratic Society Promotion (DSP) - funded by the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K) and managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).