20.10.2017. » 14:32 | ACDC

Increasing confidence in the Kosovo justice system in northern Kosovo through improvement of the citizens access to justice

The Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) will use renewed Endowment support to continue promoting civic participation in monitoring the implementation of the normalization agreement between Serbia and Kosovo as it relates to judicial reform and access to justice in North Kosovo.


The Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) will use renewed Endowment support to continue promoting civic participation in monitoring the implementation of the normalization agreement between Serbia and Kosovo as it relates to judicial reform and access to justice in North Kosovo. Due to delays In the implementation of the normalization agreement between Serbia and Kosovo, citizens in Kosovo’s northern, majority-Serb municipalities continue to lack access to the justice system. In response, the North Mitrovica-based ACDC will facilitate citizen engagement in the justice system through a range of activities designed to promote the rule of law, raise awareness of citizens on the functioning of the new justice system and the rights of citizens in legal proceedings, and contribute to responsive policy development and implementation. In partnership with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center (ADRC), the group will also promote alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation services.


To facilitate citizen engagement in the justice system and promote public access to justice, ACDC will organize eight study visits, each for a minimum of 15 citizens, to the Basic Court and Prosecution Office of Mitrovica. The visits will help to build cooperation and trust between the community and judiciary, increase the transparency of the judiciary, and enable participants to learn about the structure and work of the judicial institutions. At the same time, ADRC will provide mediation services on cases referred by courts and brought by citizens, facilitating access to justice for an average of 20 persons per month. ADRC will continue its regular field outreach and coordination with Kosovo’s judicial institutions, including the Ministry of Justice, Kosovo Judicial Council, Basic Court of Mitrovica, and Basic Prosecution Office of Mitrovica, and will maintain its multiethnic network of 60 mediators.


Contact person:

Miloš Kabašić

Project Manager

Mobile: + 381 (0) 64 063 83 86

Mobile: +377 (0) 45 876 956

E-mail: milos.kabasic@acdc-kosovo.org