20.09.2017. » 18:34 | ACDC

NGO ACDC - Involve citizens in the process of integration of the judiciary and their active participation in the integration process.

The project is implemented by the "Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture" (ACDC) with the financial support of the "Millennium DPI Partner" in the USAID Judicial System Program.


The project is implemented by the “Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture" (ACDC) with the financial support of the "Millennium DPI Partner" in the USAID Judicial System Program.

The overall goal of the project is to involve citizens in the process of integration of the judiciary and their active participation in the integration process.

The project will cover all four municipalities in northern Kosovo: North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

The implementation of the project started on 28, August 2017 and lasts until March 31, 2018.


The specific goals of the project are:
1.    Assistance to the Basic Court in Kosovska Mitrovica in order to implement public information activities;
2.    Increasing public confidence in northern Kosovo towards the Basic Court and Kosovo's judiciary after integration;
3.    Encouraging for a more transparent and efficient work of the court;
4.    Raising public awareness in the north of Kosovo on the work of the Basic Court and on citizen’s rights before the court.


The results that this project wants to achieve are:
1.    Meetings of judges with the public, including the organization of civil society and citizens;
2.    Improving civic understanding of the integration process;
3.    Improving the trust relationship between the Kosovo judicial system and citizens through public awareness campaigns;
4.    Transparency of the court through better cooperation with civil society organizations, which will be formalized through a Memorandum of Cooperation;
5.    Determining the efficiency of court services and provision of appropriate recommendations for improvement of work of the court.

The target groups of the project are: Judges and prosecutors in the integration process, representatives of Kosovo's judicial institutions in all four municipalities, civil society organizations, academia, media and citizens in the north of Kosovo.