30.06.2018. » 14:08 | ACDC

Salon discussion: Migration of youth and economic problems and benefits arising from it.

ACDC has organized a salon discussion within the project ''Disseminating information on legal migration through labor and education, and benefits for returnees'' on 29.06.2018. in Mitrovica. Thematic issue was Migration of youth and economic problems and benefits arising from it This project is supported by GIZ/DIMAK


ACDC has organized a salon discussion within the project “Disseminating information on legal migration through labor and education, and benefits for returnees “on 29.06.2018. in Mitrovica.

Thematic issue was Migration of youth and economic problems and benefits arising from it.

Discussions were very fruitful. Participants were discussing benefits and the problems of migration, from economic and development side. Initial spark for discussion was panelist’s discussion an OP-ed prepared for the project. Participants had very different opinions on the subject, from ones stating that Diaspora is sending a lot of money back home, and other ones stating that if young educated people leave then who will help development here.

This project is supported by GIZ/DIMAK