21.03.2024. » 12:51

Uncovering the Truth: Combating Monoethnic Journalism and Advocating for the Missing Persons in Kosovo

ACDC in cooperation with BIRN Kosovo, is implementing a project” “Uncovering the Truth: Combating Monoethnic Journalism and Advocating for the Missing Persons in Kosovo”.


ACDC in cooperation with BIRN Kosovo, is implementing a project” “Uncovering the Truth: Combating Monoethnic Journalism and Advocating for the Missing Persons in Kosovo”

The overall objective of the proposed action is to contribute to transforming the discourse surrounding the missing persons issue, paving the way for reconciliation, resolution and mutual understanding, all while advocating for the rights of their families. This action aims to achieve the overall objective through a combination of methods that seek to educate, inform, and stimulate public discourse.

1. Specialized Training Program for Journalists

2. Production of Eight (8) TV Documentaries

3. Post-Premiere Public Debates:

4. Producing four (4) TV Reports with War Crime Prosecutors

5. Publication of Web-stories on BIRN’s Kallxo.com Platform

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