13.09.2023. » 16:52 | ACDC

Conference - Assessment of the status of judiciary and police in northern Kosovo, 19.september 2023

NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture cordially invites you to participate in a conference on the assessment of the status of the judiciary institutions and the police in northern Kosovo.


NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture cordially invites you to participate in a conference on the assessment of the status of the judiciary institutions and the police in northern Kosovo. The conference aims to present the current state of affairs in northern municipalities after the Kosovo Serbs' withdrawal from all Kosovo institutions and to explore the functionality and level of trust among the non-majority communities regarding the aforementioned institutions.

Furthermore, the conference will feature a research presentation conducted by NGO ACDC that provides a comprehensive overview of the situation and assesses the impact of Kosovo Serbs' resignations on the functionality of legal and law enforcement systems.


  • Mr. Veton Elshani, Deputy regional police Director North Mitrovica 
  • Mr. Bekim Veliqi, Acting President of the Basic Court of Mitrovica/ë
  • Mr. Dušan Radaković, Executive Director of ACDC
  • Moderator - Aleksandar Rapajić, Program Director of ACDC

The conference will take place on 19th September on the premises of International Business College North Mitrovica (IBCM), starting at 11 am. Translation into Serbian, Albanian, and English will be provided.