04.07.2018. » 15:01 | ACDC

Learning language as a way to legal migration

German language course in Mitrovica this year is attending 70 participants, mainly medical workers and students of the Medical School who intend to leave Kosovo. The problem of migration is that people leave permanently and that those who already have a job leave, warn the connoisseurs of opportunity. This project is supported by GIZ/DIMAK

German language course in Mitrovica this year is attending 70 participants, mainly medical workers and students of the Medical School who intend to leave Kosovo. The problem of migration is that people leave permanently and that those who already have a job leave, warn the connoisseurs of opportunity.
Foreign Language School "Anglia" in Kos. Mitrovica has been operating since 2006, and from 2013 students can also attend the German language course.
There is a lot of interest in the German language, especially among the students of the final grades of the Secondary Medical School, and there are a good number of health workers - doctors and nurses, says Radio Contact plus Ivana Kovačević from the Foreign Language School "Anglia".
"This year there were about 70 German students. They come to courses because of their desire to work in foreign countries, in Germany or in countries where German is spoken, "said Kovacevic, adding that this year they had a German professor prof. Ivan Lempić, and that since next year, due to the great interest of the students, they should have another professor of German language.
The course price varies, so those who spend the whole school year or eight months cost 22 euros a month, while the price of accelerated courses of 4.5 months is 35 euros a month.
"When it comes to English, the number of adult students is in decline, but the number of children attending the course has increased. Preschoolers pay 12 euros a month, the first and second grades are 15 euros, while the rest pay 20 to 22 euros, "- says Kovačević.
Great interest in learning the German language is an indicator that the situation in our society is not good, especially when people who already have a job and who already work are already leaving and that is a big problem, estimates Aleksandar Rapajić from the Center for the Advocacy of Democratic Culture.
"In the past years, migration was mainly driven by people who did not have a job and who were looking for a job. Previously, those who were out of work went abroad for work, and now we have a trend to leave people who already have a job and who leave work here, so, judging by that, the situation is worse than before, "- says Rapajic.
Such a trend is not present only in Kosovo and only when it comes to healthcare workers, says Rapajić, and in that direction, the research done at the University of Belgrade shows following.
"This happens everywhere, according to the latest research done at the Belgrade University, even 1/3 of the students plan to leave the country when they finish their studies, which is a big problem for any society," - says Rapajić.

This project is supported by GIZ/DIMAK

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