26.09.2018. » 20:58 | ACDC

PSAs on the promotion of office of Ombudsperson

During the Implementation of the Project ''Ombuds watch'' funded by BIRN and Embassy of Netherlands, NGO ACDC have developed two PSAs on the promotion of office of Ombudsperson and awareness rising on the role of the Ombudspersons office in protection of human rights.


During the Implementation of the Project “Ombuds watch” funded by BIRN and Embassy of Netherlands, NGO ACDC have developed two PSAs on the promotion of office of Ombudsperson and awareness rising on the role of the Ombudspersons office in protection of human rights.

These two PSAs are promoting the offices of Ombudsperson in North Mitrovica and Prishtina and are providing all relevant information to the citizens on how to address their cases to the office of Ombudsperson.

The links of the videos can be found on following addresses: